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Making Money Online: A Straightforward Guide#

This is the proven way to earn money online using nothing but lead generation & email marketing.

In simple terms:

  1. Build a list of potential customers.
  2. Earn their trust with valuable, educational content, consistently communicated.
  3. Promote offers (products or services, either your own or others' as an affiliate) to your list.

You choose:

  • Market your own products and keep all the profit.
  • Promote other people's products as an affiliate and earn a commission on each sale.
  • Decide the scale of your business - start small and grow at your own pace.

Let's break down the steps to get started.

The Big Picture: Your Online Business in a Nutshell#

This image shows the overall process: ("big picture")

Online Business Blueprint - schema

Here's what we do:

  1. Drive traffic to our opt-in / squeeze page & capture leads (build a list).
  2. Send 1 email, every day with helpful content and recommend products.

Why It Matters:

We're not just making sales, we're building a loyal following and our own email list.

This is an asset that can generate income for years to come.

Let's break down the steps:

Step 1: Find Your Niche#

Choose a topic you're passionate about and that has potential for long-term online business growth.

Ensure it's something people are actively looking for and willing to spend money on.


  • Make Money Online (Wealth)
  • Weight Loss (Health)
  • Dating and Relationships (Love and connection)

Step 2: Choose a Winning Offer#

Select an affiliate product that converts well, is priced under $50, and ideally offers a free trial or introductory deal.

The best option is a complete sales funnel with at least 50% commissions throughout. Even better if you can secure license rights for 100% commissions.


Lazy Commissions ($0.00)

$5 System

Step 3: Create Your Lead Capture System#

If you need help, check out the Ultimate Marketing Vault.

It's a one-time $7 offer that shows you how to set up a fast, mobile-friendly lead capture page for free. No need for expensive software!

Ultimate Marketing Vault

Once your lead capture page is live, here's what happens:

  • Visitors enter their email address to get your free offer.
  • Their email is automatically added to your list.
  • They're redirected to your chosen affiliate offer.
  • A welcome email with more info about the offer is sent automatically.

Many email marketing services offer 100% free plans for your first subscribers (e.g. this one).

Step 4: Get Traffic to Your Page#

Choose a traffic source and direct visitors to your lead capture page. Your email service provider handles the rest automatically.

Get Free Traffic

Step 5: Send Daily, Helpful Emails#

As your list grows, send one valuable email per day. Include helpful tips, recommendations, and affiliate offers.

Get Help with Email Marketing

That's it!

This simple system is powerful and effective. Once set up, your daily focus is on just two key actions...

Your 2 Daily Tasks